How Has Technology Affected Divorce Rates In This Generation

Profile photo for Tim Cella

So I’ve personally seen divorces — good ones where the parties are kind to each other despite the fact that they are divorcing and I’ve also seen ones where the parties end up hating each other and try to use their kids as weapons to avoid paying child support — so I’ve seen alot.

With that being said, I think technology has had both positive and negative impacts on divorce rates in recent decades. Here is why I think what I think:

Communication technology like cell phones and social media can make it easier for couples to stay connected, but can also facilitate infidelity and make it harder to disconnect. This goes both ways in terms of impact on divorce rates.

Dating apps and websites have made it easier for people to meet new potential partners. This expands options and facilitates people leaving marriages, potentially increasing divorce rates.

Technology aids in connecting with old friends/flames, which could foster emotional or physical affairs. However, it also helps people maintain platonic friendships outside of marriage, which can be healthy.

Online content about relationships, marriage tips, etc. can help give couples tools to strengthen their bonds if they actively use it. But it can also normalize divorce as an option.

Workplace technologies like email enable some partners to work longer hours, reducing family time and increasing strains. But remote work tech also lets some partners be around home more.

Financial technologies make managing, splitting, and tracking assets easier. This streamlines the divorce process, which encourages divorce by reducing barriers.

So those are my thoughts. I hope you’ve found them helpful. If you need help from a lawyer in Utah, try this one:

Jeremy Eveland

17 North State Street

Lindon UT 84042

(801) 613-1472


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