Can people be civil during a divorce?

Profile photo for Tim Cella

I’ve worked with a divorce lawyer for years and my answer would be an absolute yes.

I believe it is possible for people to be civil during a divorce because I’ve seen them do it. I’ve never personally be divorced so I believe it can be challenging. Here are some things that I’ve seen work for other during the years:

Stop arguing. Focus on resolving issues in a respectful manner rather than attacking each other. Avoid blaming and keep communication calm and thoughtful.

Put your kids first! Prioritize the wellbeing of any children involved over your own emotions. Make transitions and custody arrangements as smooth as possible for them.

- Be willing to compromise. Approach the divorce as dissolving the marriage, not each other's lives. Seek fairness, not retaliation.

- Involve neutral mediators or therapists if needed to facilitate important conversations. They can help you communicate constructively.

- Recognize that letting go of anger and resentment ultimately hurts you, not your ex. Work on acceptance and moving forward even when things get difficult.

- Maintain politeness and take the high road. Avoid sinking to hurtful actions even when provoked.

- Be transparent regarding finances, shared property and other practical matters. Honesty and directness can help reduce conflicts. If you hide things and get caught it will go downhill so fast you won’t believe it.

- Give each other space when needed. Be respectful of each other's privacy and boundaries as you disentangle lives.

With patience, maturity and goodwill on both sides, civil divorce proceedings are certainly possible. The ending of a marriage does not have to be filled with animosity. I hope you’ve found this information helpful. If you need a good divorce lawyer in Utah, try this one:

Jeremy Eveland

17 North State Street

Lindon UT 84042

(801) 613-1472


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