What are the guidelines for joint legal custody?


What are the guidelines for joint legal custody?
Profile photo for Tim Cella

Joint legal custody is a type of legal arrangement in which both parents share the legal rights and responsibilities related to their child’s upbringing. This arrangement is often beneficial for both parents, as well as the child, as both parents are involved in making decisions related to the child’s health, education, and welfare.

The guidelines for joint legal custody vary from state to state and depend largely on the particular situation of the family. However, there are some general guidelines that are often followed when establishing joint legal custody.

The first guideline is that both parents must agree to the arrangement of joint legal custody. The court generally prefers that the parents come to an agreement on their own, but if this is not possible, the court may intervene to help the parents reach an agreement.

The second guideline is that the parents must be able to communicate and cooperate with each other. Joint legal custody requires that both parents cooperate and communicate with each other, and the court will usually consider any history of poor communication or conflict when making a decision about joint legal custody.

The third guideline is that both parents must be able to provide a stable home environment for the child. This means that the parents must be able to provide a safe home for the child.

If you need help with joint legal custody in Utah, call this attorney. Good luck!

Jeremy Eveland

17 North State Street

Lindon UT 84042

(801) 613-1472


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