Can divorced people be sealed in temples?


Can divorced people be sealed in temples?

Can Divorced People Be Sealed In Temples?

Can divorced people be sealed in temples?

Yes, divorced people can be sealed in temples. However, there are two important rules they must follow, set forth by the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

-They must wait a year after the divorce before entering a temple; and

-They must live with their current spouse to be married for eternity

People who are divorced can enter temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but they cannot be sealed there.

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was taught very early on that divorced people could not be sealed in the temple because they had not been able to meet certain requirements. The first is to have been married in a temple. Due to the absence of a temple in their regions, members who live in some countries are not allowed to get married there. But it is still possible for them to become sealed if one of the spouses has been sealed previously. This is the case for divorced people whose previous marriages were performed in temples and whose spouses are still living. The second requirement is to have kept the commandments during your lifetime. This includes abstinence from sexual relations before marriage, fidelity after marriage, and having children. It’s true that if you go through most divorces, having children can be an issue due to various circumstances (e.g., one or both spouses were infertile). But exceptions can always be made for such cases as well.

I hope you found this helpful. If you nee help with an LDS divorce, please contact this law firm for a free consultation. Good luck.

Ascent Law LLC

8833 S Redwood Road Ste C

West Jordan UT 84088

(801) 676–5506





Divorce Lawyer

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