Are there any laws or regulations that govern how collection agencies can contact you about an outstanding debt?
Yes. In the US it’s called the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA). Collection agencies are different from ordinary creditors in that they don't have a relationship with you, the debtor; rather, they represent the interests of the creditor who originally extended you credit. When you default on your credit obligations, creditors sometimes hire collection agencies to collect their money. It's important to know that there are federal laws that govern how collection agencies contact consumers about outstanding debts. Some states also have laws on the books — for example, Florida prohibits debt collectors from harassing, abusing or using obscene language toward a debtor. But aside from these rules, it's largely up to the individual collection agency as to how it wants to go about collecting your debt.
To many people in debt, this is a scary thought. You may worry that a collector will hound you with calls and letters. To make matters worse, there's no way to predict what kind of treatment you're going to get; some collectors might be polite and professional while others might be downright abusive. Still others might try to trick or intimidate you into paying them something you don't owe. As long as an agency is following the rules set by its client, it can pretty much do whatever it wants to get its money back—including trying to collect money it doesn't really think you owe!
If this is happening to you, you should speak with a lawyer right away. Call this law firm for a free consultation. They might be able to help you.
Ascent Law LLC
8833 S Redwood Road Suite C
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 676–5506
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