How can a man get custody of his children in the US if he is wealthy?
How can a man get custody of his children in the US if he is wealthy? Tim Cella used to work at several law firms One way is to be incredibly rich and willing to hire an expensive lawyer. In all seriousness, the truth is a really good lawyer and help you get custody of your children. This is only one factor that will help. Remember, in Utah, and I believe the entire US family court system seeks to do what is in the child’s best interest. Since you have children, ask yourself, why would it be in your children’s best interest for you to have custody? Who takes the best care of your children? Who teaches them good moral values? Who helps them with their homework? Who takes them to their medical and dental appointments? Who helps them overcome challenges in life? Who teaches them responsibility by giving them chores? etc. This is not an exhaustive list. You don’t have to prove that the mother is unfit, you just have to prove that it is in the best interests of the children for you to...