Does Nigeria allow states to declare bankruptcy?
Does Nigeria allow states to declare bankruptcy? Tim Cella used to work at several law firms I am no expert on this topic. I’ve been involved and seen many bankruptcy cases in the State of Utah in the United States. Nigeria is associated with a lot of scams in the US. With that being said, many of us don't bother to read the financial reports published by our states. Yet, a state that is heavily indebted can easily go bankrupt — at least in the US — under Chapter 9 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. While the federal government provides some funds for state budgets, most states are not responsible for using the federal funds prudently. They are also not accountable to the people and their state legislature. Therefore, a state that borrows federal funds to pay its bills can end up with huge debts that will hurt it in the long run. While the United Kingdom has a bankruptcy court, it is my understanding after doing research, that in Nigeria there is no bankruptcy court. Instead, ...